GES España

Parque Tecnológico de Zamudio Edificio 407
48170 Zamudio
Tel. (+34) 944 712 131


7.839 MW

14.745 MW

2.500 MW


1279 MW

335 MW


Las Majas 6A W.F.
Location: Zaragoza(Spain)
Power: 50 MW

GES has been responsible for the engineering and construction works of the wind farm, where it has been in charge of the complete BOP, both the civil works, with more than 14 kilometres of roads and the 13 foundations and platforms for the wind turbines, as well as the 30 kV underground medium voltage network with more than 23 kilometres of trenches and for which more than 140 kilometres of cable have been used. In addition, the installation of the 13 wind turbines of 3.8 MW and 4 MW that make part of the wind farm has been carried out by GES.

Cluster Alenza
Location: Zaragoza (Spain)
Power: 114 MW

The cluster Alenza is composed of three wind farms: Las Majas 6B (49.4 MW), Las Majas 6C (49,4 MW) and Las Majas 6D (15.2 MW). GES has been responsible for civil and electrical works, as well as the installation of the wind turbines.

Cluster Valdejaon
Location: Zaragoza (Spain)
Power: 231 MW

The project has been divided into two phases: Valdejalón, which includes the El Cabezo (49MW) and Portillo II Phase I (45.6MW) and Phase II (38MW) wind farms, and Valdejalón Oeste, composed of Virgen de Rodanas I (49.4MW) and Virgen de Rodanas II (49.4MW).

GES has been in charge of the complete BOP (Balance of Plant), both the civil works, with more than 60 kilometres of roads and the 61 foundations and platforms for the 85-meter wind turbines; and the electrical works, which include the underground medium voltage network with more than 55 kilometres of trenches and the 132 kV evacuation line of almost 50 kilometres, connecting the two new substations with an already existing interconnection substation.

In addition, GES, as integral supplier, has carried out the installation of 54 turbines of this cluster, with a total installed capacity of 205 MW, as well as the crane management.

Huelva 2021 PV. Plant
Location: Huelva (Spain) Power: 49.9 MW Execution plan: June 2020 – April 2021

The plant, with more than 110.000 photovoltaic panels, takes up more than 85 hectares, generates yearly 100.000 MW, equivalent of consumption of energy of 28.000 households.
It was an EPC contract (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) including a photovoltaic plant, electrical substation and evacuation line.

Huelva 2020 PV. Plant
Location: Huelva (Spain)
Power: 49.9 MW
Execution time: February 2019 – February 2020


The Huelva 2020 Photovoltaic Plant is located in Gibraleón (Huelva), has a power of 49.9 MWp and will produce 101,317 kW/hour per year, which means the consumption of 29,056 homes (source IDAE). Huelva 2020 occupies an area of 80 hectares and 133,056 solar panels have been installed there.
It is estimated that it will reduce CO2 emissions by 100 million tonnes per year.

Muxia W.F
Location: Muxia, (Spain)
 68 MW
BOP  |  SPAIN  |

The implementation of the wind farm was carried out in winter in the rainiest area of Galicia. The knowledge of the reality of climatology and of materials behavior under these wheather conditions, allowed to take decisions, that led to the execution of the works in term in spite of being one of the rainiest winters since there are climatological records. The logistics for the transport of external materials were taken into account, in order to reaffirm the roads in the most adverse weather conditions, as well as the adoption of special designs for breakwaters and geotextiles.

There were rural nuclei scattered throughout the construction site. A Multidisciplinary team, native of Galicia with more than 15 years of experience in execution of wind farms in Galicia, connoisseur of theware of the idiosyncrasy of the inhabitants was key thanks to reached complicity and collaboration with them, so the project could be carried out in harmony with the local community.

The work had strong archaeological restrictions with more than 31 remains catalogued, sensitization and information to all staff of the location and treatment that should be done in the areas of the archaeological remains. There was daily coordination with the archaeological monitoring team.

In addition, the works were managed to avoid any kind of interference to pilgrims on the way to Santiago, limiting the speeds of vehicles and with absolute respect for pedestrians. Collaboration with pilgrims who often get lost in the mountains, guiding them.

The existence of more than 1500 owners, entailed a dedication of a person in exclusive for the treatment and the attention to the owners. Absolute respect to the parcels, collaboration with the property in the execution of boundaries and in the realization of project modifications in order to affect the smallest possible number of owners. In addition, logging was carried out on more than 400,000 m2 and the management of the wood was coordinated.

1.     Información legal

1.1.  En cumplimiento del artículo 10 de la Ley 34/2002, de 11 de julio, de servicios de la sociedad de la información y de comercio electrónico (LSSICE) presentamos la siguiente información:


Dirección: Parque Tecnológico Bizkaia Edificio 407-48170 Zamudio– Vizcaya (España).

C.I.F.: A82509779

Teléfono: (+34) 944 712 131


Datos de la inscripción en el Registro Mercantil Vizcaya Folio: 142  Tomo: 5471

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