GES aim trying to contribute to the CO2 reduction throught the supply of services to the renewable sector.

GES has de commitement to apply the highest standards in sostenibility and quality in the execution of its projects, adding value to its customers, employees and community in general.

As a diverse and global company, GES asumes the responsability to manage diversity in the widest sense, ensuring a free discrimination work environment, without any kind of discrimination.

At GES we are building a sustainable future through renewable energy parks, leading the transition to a cleaner, more prosperous world.

Sustainability is the path to a renewable future, where our actions today power the clean energy of tomorrow.

Renewable energy is the answer our environment needs for a sustainable future.

We prioritise the prevention of occupational risks through robust health and safety policies, promoting a safe and responsible working environment.

GES is certified under ISO 45001, reflecting its commitment to the highest standards of occupational health and safety.

GES focuses on satisfying customer needs, using a management policy based on ISO 9001, promoting leadership, responsibility and teamwork.

We are an integral supplier in renewable energies, prioritising customer orientation and rigorous homologation, ensuring quality and trust in areas such as finance and cybersecurity.

Prioritising integrity and accountability, we emphasise business ethics, legal compliance, good governance and diversity management, ensuring a respectful and fair working environment.

GES has a rigorous procurement policy, focusing on quality, environment, safety and occupational health, requiring suppliers to comply with strict standards and codes of conduct.


Our Sustainability Report offers a strategic and global vision to inform the different stakeholders about our performance in the different key areas for the sustainable development of society.

Sustainability is assuming that nature and the environment are not an inexhaustible source of resourcestheir protection and rational use being necessary.

Sustainability s promoting social development seeking cohesion between communities and cultures to achieve satisfactory levels of quality of life, health and education.

Third, sustainability is promoting economic growth that creates equitable wealth for all without harming the environment.

For this reason, GES faces the challenge of acting in the present with the future in mind.

As a reinforcement of this commitment, GES obtained the GOLD certification in terms of sustainability from Achilles in 2021, a recognition that accurately and reliably evaluates and accredits the company’s performance in terms of corporate sustainability.

Additionally, we have registered our carbon footprint verification in the Carbon Footprint, Compensation, and Absorption Projects Registry of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge in 2018.

We highlight the achievement of maintaining the CALCULO+REDUZCO seal for three consecutive years, 2021-2023.

This progress is part of the strategy to continue promoting the circular economy and our ongoing commitment to reducing the carbon footprint.


Enviroment protection and sustanable development are unavoidable responsability for all GES professionals.

The company is committed to develop its activity and customer satisfaction making it compatible with the environment protection and the pollution prevention. All GES’ environmental policy and practices are based on the norm ISO 14001.

Link to environmental policy

Link to ISO 14001 Certificate


GES – Global Energy Services is a company committed to sustainability and best practices to reduce the production of waste, as well as its correct classification, collection, treatment and final disposal.

In accordance with the current regulations for the registration and management of electrical and electronic equipment and batteries, GES is registered in the Integrated Industrial Register of electrical and electronic equipment RII-AEE with the number 12027, and has signed a contract of subscription to the Integrated Management System of electrical and electronic equipment managed by the Ecoasimelec Foundation.

Likewise, in order to guarantee the correct management of waste batteries and accumulators, GES is a member of the Ecopilas Foundation.


Labour Health and Safety of all workers placed under GES’ responsibility are basic and mandatory ethics requirements for the development of the company’s business and our strategic priority. Labour Health and Safety within GES is a key part of the Executive responsibility of the overall command chain. GES considers it is everybody’s task to ensure the occupational health and safety of all GES workers. Each employee is responsible for their own safety and the safety of all the workers under their responsibility.

Labour Health and Safety of all GES professionals is an unavoidable ethical responsibility for the development of the company and organization máximum priority. GES has developed a Health & safety Policy every employee should know and apply.

Regardless of geographical area and activity, GES applies the same advanced Health and Safety management model and standards for risk prevention certified by ISO 45001.

Link to Health & Safety Policy

Link to ISO 45001 Certificate


GES regards the meeting client needs – in terms of availability and service quality – as key to our success. At the same time, environmental protection and sustainable development are inescapable responsibilities for all GES professionals.

GES has a process-oriented organization, basic principles of the quality management are responsibility and leadership through all the organization. Personnel involved in the accomplishment of the objectives, promoting teamwork, and participation, to achieve the results. All GES’ quality policy and practices are based on the norm ISO 9001.

Link to GES’ quality policy

Link to ISO 9001 Certificate


As an independent and integral service provider, GES considers, after all related to Health & Safety, customer orientation as the main guarantee for success and works with the aim to remain the leading provider of construction services in the renewable energy sector.

GES is a reliable partner of major utilities, world leading turbine manufacturers, independent power producers and investment funds.

A prerequisite for customers to place their trust in GES is to comply with their approval processes for the platforms required. Homologation is a comprehensive process led by the client where analysis, assessment and evaluation is carried out in different areas of the company such as finance, human resources, quality and environmental management, H&S, sustainability, cybersecurity, procurement, etc. in order to minimise their risks and know in detail the infrastructure of their supplier for an optimal supply of the products and services they offer.


GES aims to be a referent for a trustworthy performance in all the markets where the company is working.

An ethical sales conduct and the compliance with laws and regulations is an absolute principle of GES.

GES has defined a Good Governance, in which the code of conduct, anticorruption guide, and the free competition guide are included. GES has an Ethical Channel. All employees can contact it to inform from bad practices in the company.

As a diverse and global company, GES assumes the responsibility to manage diversity in the widest sense of the term, maintaining the work environment free of any kind of discrimination and any type of conduct that may involve any kind of personal harassment.


GES has a procurement politic reflecting the commitment of a consistent and responsible management of the company. This includes the supplier’s homologation to ensure the compliance with the environmental and quality standards of the company.

According to the procurement politics, all GES’ subcontractors must comply with the Health and Safety norms, including a procedure for the qualification of suppliers to ensure the companies standards.

All GES’ good governance norms apply for company’s providers and subcontractors working for GES. Providers and subcontractors must ensure the compliance of the code of conduct of the company.


Our Sustainability Report offers a strategic and global vision to inform the different stakeholders about our performance in the different key areas for the sustainable development of society.















1.     Información legal

1.1.  En cumplimiento del artículo 10 de la Ley 34/2002, de 11 de julio, de servicios de la sociedad de la información y de comercio electrónico (LSSICE) presentamos la siguiente información:


Dirección: Parque Tecnológico Bizkaia Edificio 407-48170 Zamudio– Vizcaya (España).

C.I.F.: A82509779

Teléfono: (+34) 944 712 131

E-mail: ges@services-ges.com

Datos de la inscripción en el Registro Mercantil Vizcaya Folio: 142  Tomo: 5471

2.     Protección de datos

2.1.  Completando el formulario de registro o de contacto, enviando un correo electrónico, o llamando por teléfono, sus datos personales pasarán a ser responsabilidad de la empresa cuyos datos se relacionan en el apartado 1. Información Legal.

Además, el usuario es informado de que sus datos profesionales y de contacto serán proporcionados para su tratamiento, a otras entidades pertenecientes al Grupo de GES y a sociedades participadas por cualquiera de las sociedades que conforman el Grupo de GES.

2.2.  Estos datos se utilizan para responder a su solicitud o consulta a la mayor brevedad posible y para comunicarnos comercialmente, porque usted nos los proporciona informada y libremente con esas finalidades.

Si usted nos proporciona un currículum sus datos se utilizarán para incorporarlo a presentes y futuros procesos selectivos en nuestra empresa y para comunicarnos con usted incluso por medios electrónicos en relación con su candidatura.

Para otros tratamientos o finalidades relacionados con la prestación de nuestros servicios o el desarrollo de nuestra actividad, usted puede solicitar más información en nuestra dirección de contacto.

2.3.  Los datos personales recogidos en nuestra página web son tratados cumpliendo con las exigencias del Reglamento (UE) 2016/679 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 27 de abril de 2016, relativo a la protección de las personas físicas en lo que respecta al tratamiento de datos personales y a la libre circulación de estos datos.

2.4.  Así mismo, garantizamos que los datos personales son tratados de manera lícita, leal y transparente, y son recogidos con fines determinados, explícitos y legítimos, manteniéndose limitados a dichos fines y actualizados si fuera necesario. No se permitirá la identificación de los interesados durante más tiempo del necesario y se garantizará su seguridad mediante las medidas técnicas y organizativas adecuadas.

2.5.  Una vez los datos no sean necesarios para los fines con los que fueron recogidos,  se conservarán a disposición de las administraciones públicas competentes durante los plazos legales de conservación, es decir mientras una ley nos pueda exigir que los presentemos. Expirados estos plazos serán suprimidos.

2.6.  Puede ejercer los derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, oposición así como los demás derechos que le otorga la normativa de protección de datos sobre los datos de carácter personal presentando una copia de un documento identificativo en GES – Parque Tecnológico Bizkaia Edificio 407 – 48170 Zamudio – Vizcaya (España).

2.7.  Puede encontrar más información sobre sus derechos o presentar una reclamación ante la autoridad de control competente en la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos http://www.agpd.es – C/ Jorge Juan, 6. 28001 – Madrid (901 100 099 – 912 663 517).

3.     Limitación de Responsabilidades

3.1.  GES proporciona el sitio web corporativo como medio de dar a conocer sus productos y servicios, y permitir el contacto con los clientes. La información de la página web se presenta de modo meramente orientativo o divulgativo y en ningún momento será considerada vinculante. Para la contratación de los productos o servicios de la entidad se estará a lo dispuesto en presupuestos y contratos debidamente formalizados.

3.2.  La entidad no se responsabiliza sobre los posibles daños informáticos que pueda sufrir el usuario mientras visita nuestra página web entendiendo que aquellos no puedan ser imputables a la entidad.

3.3.  La entidad tampoco se responsabiliza del contenido de los sitios gestionados por terceros que se enlacen desde la página web, así mismo dichos enlaces no implicarán la existencia de algún tipo de relación por parte de GES con esos terceros.

4.     Propiedad Intelectual

4.1.  Todos los contenidos de esta página web entendiendo como tales los textos, dibujos, gráficos, fotografías, imágenes, vídeos, música, código, el propio diseño de la misma y cualquier otra creación son propiedad de GES o de sus respectivos titulares mediante la correspondiente licencia, autorización o cesión sobre los derechos y están protegidos en función de la legislación sobre la Propiedad Intelectual e Industrial.

4.2.  En ningún caso se entenderá que la puesta a disposición del público de la página web constituye renuncia, cesión o licencia de los derechos que GES tiene sobre los contenidos de la misma.

4.3.  Queda prohibido cualquier uso de los contenidos de nuestra página web incluida la modificación, copia, reproducción, transmisión, etcétera sin la previa autorización por escrito de la entidad.