GES México

Calle Manzana 16 Lote 1B Nave A 1º piso
Ciudad Industrial Xicohtenclt
Tetla de la Solidaridad
90434 Tlaxcala
+52 55 5992 92 00


1.998 MW

2.742 MW


38 MW


Fenicias W.F.
Location: Nuevo León (Mexico)
Power: 168 MW

The Fenicias wind farm is composed of 42 wind turbines of 4.2 MW, with a tower height of 107 meters and a rotor height of 150 meters. It is located approximately 70 km from the city of Reynosa, where GES has an extensive experience, having built more than 800 MW in the area.

GES has carried out the detailed engineering, all the necessary studies (topographical, hydrological and geotechnical), the civil BOP including the medium voltage network as well as the installation of the turbines.

One of the biggest challenges of the project has been the short project execution timing, which makes a perfect coordination of the works essential to execute the construction milestones on time.

Santiago W.F.
Location: Guanajuato  (México) Power: 105 MW 2022

The wind farm, with an installed capacity of 105 MW, has 50 turbines of 2.1 MW. The scope of works included the construction of 50 foundations and a total of 46 kilometres of roads, as well as the wind farm's medium voltage network.

Location:: Nuevo León (Mexico)
Power: 244 MW

The wind farm has an installed capacity of 244MW and generates 850GWh/year, which reduces the CO2 production in 390.000 tons every year.

GES was in charge of the civil works, including the 83 foundations and platforms, 52 km of roads, supply and construction of the met masts and the medium voltage grid.

Coahuila W.F.
Customer: EDPR
Location: Coahuila, México
Power: 199 MW
Execution time: Enero de 2016-Enero de 2017

One of the most advanced wind farms in the world

This is the first wind farm in the Coahuila state in Mexico. The project has obtained all the environmental permits for the construction and operation of the wind farm. With the construction of this wind farm, Coahuila contributes to the development of the renewable energies in Mexico, to fulfill the international agreements for the mitigation and adjustment of the climate change.

Is was a huge project with a very tight time schedule, almost a year.The area is near the municipalities of General Cepeda and Ramos Arizpe in Coahuila. There was no wind farm constructed in the area until now. This was the first project EDPR constructed in Mexico. The utility trusted GES for this strategic project.

The execution was speeded up, thanks to the previous engineering work, which led to several foundation optimizations and the customization of the geotechnical study, opting to construct the different kinds of foundation. Simultaneous work at different areas of the wind farm to get things done faster. Resources coordination was key for a time optimation. An intermediate logistic center was needed to get the material faster for each of the areas. Successful management of the CFE (Mexican electric entity) for the coordination of the power outage and the construction. The project could be executed in a positive environment with the community and unions. GES cooperated with EDPR to develop the safety conditions.

Kambul PV. Plant
Location: Yucatan, Mexico
Power: 38 MWp
Execution time: June 2018 – Noviembre 2019

After more than a decade in the country, this was the first time that GES was in charge of the construction of a photovoltaic plant in Mexico.

The company was in charge of the complete EPC of the project and the electrical evacuation infrastructure, including the 34kV to 115 kV elevator substation, a 115 kV line of 1.37 km length and the adaptation works of a new interconnection bay at the CFE substation in Kambul.

O&M México
Location: Mexico Power:  727 MW

The maintenance expert in Mexico

GESOM started activity in Mexico back in 2006. At that time, GESOM maintained 83 MW in Juchitan (Oaxaca, Mexico). In the course of the next five years, GESOM increased its activity in the area, reaching the 300 MW mark. This generated employment for more than 30 local technicians maintaining six wind farms.

Over time, GESOM has grown more and more in Mexico, and in the present, the company is maintaining 727 MW, which turned into employment for more than 70 technicians. The location of the activity has also changed during this time, as more and more states have constructed new wind farms, and maintenance has to be done in new Mexican geographies. Although GESOM has an operating center in Oaxaca serving five wind farms, the company is also present in Puebla, Zacatecas or Nuevo Leon.

Oaxaca-I W.F.
Santo Domingo del intenio (Oaxaca, México)
101 MW
Wind turbine
V-90.2 MW
September 2010 – July 2012

Succeeding with the first phase of a huge new 400 MW wind farm in Mexico

Strong and consistent winds meant that the assembly of the wind turbine components would be particularly challenging. In order to build a good working rapport with local staff, a clear understanding of the indigenous culture was vital. Due to its terrain, its isolation and its social mix, this area of Mexico is a notoriously difficult environment to work in, and many civil engineering projects are subject to long delays.

In order to meet the tight timescales, we completed much of the assembly at nighttime when the strong winds die down. We worked particularly hard to learn about this region of Mexico – in order to understand the local culture and the outlook of the indigenous populations. We gradually introduced the local staff to the project, and worked particularly closely with local technicians – in order to successfully transfer our own knowledge and skills. We worked hard on building collaboriation and rapport across the extended team, and ensured that they could call upon the right level of resource.

Due to the speed and efficiency of our assembly processes, we were able to complete the project more quickly than had been anticipated – which led to a substantial saving in the cost of the crane rental. Also, the project was completed without any accidents. And the wind farm can now be relied upon to deliver more than 4,000 wind hours each year.

Stypa Nayaá W.F.
Client: Gamesa Location: El Espinal (Edo. Oaxaca, Mexico) Wind turbine: GAMESA 2.0 MW Power: 74 MW Schedule: June 2011–May 2012

Leveraging local experience to secure Gamesa’s first success in Mexico

Mexico was a new market for Gamesa. Working in the area required hiring local partners. Local companies lacked relevant experience. Being accepted by the local society is key to running a smooth operation. Economic struggle in the area hinders the execution of work. Floods make it difficult to work in the rainy season (summer).

We coordinated the hiring of local companies according to Gamesa's requirements. We trained local workers in wind farm construction to execute under GES' supervision. Thanks to previous experience with other customers in the area we knew the culture and communicated well with the locals. We cooperated with the locals to create a smooth environment securing that the project could be completed properly. We adapted engineering to withstand challenging weather conditions (changing road sections, platforms sections, etc.)

The project was completed on time without accidents. The success of this project has consolidated the good image of GES and our client in the area and their commitment to this market. The success of the wind farm construction has provided Mexico with 74 MW of clean energy for use in the country’s development.

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Dirección: Parque Tecnológico Bizkaia Edificio 407-48170 Zamudio– Vizcaya (España).

C.I.F.: A82509779

Teléfono: (+34) 944 712 131


Datos de la inscripción en el Registro Mercantil Vizcaya Folio: 142  Tomo: 5471

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