GES installed the first turbines at the beginning of the nineties. Thousand of turbines later, the installation procedures of the company summarise the experience and lessons learned. GES has worked at sea level and high altitude, in the desert and in freezing temperatures, in daylight and at night time. 

The company applies lean concepts to installation as efficiency drivers to minimize task duration. The flexibility of resources is key to adapt to fluctuating workload. All of this ensuring the highest Health and Safety standard despite the world region where the project is located. 

+29 GW












Wind turbines have rased exponential its size. This together with the remote location of the projects, that makes logistic and transports difficult.

Sometimes it even requires special transports for the bigger blades above 50 meters long. GES is in charge of the transporrt of all the turbine components from plant to site, no matter the dettermining factors.



GES has installed 29,500 MW wind. GES offers the complete installation services, including transport, cranes, and manpower.

The company has agreements with relevant cranes operators in the regions where the company is present. This allows GES the assembly of all existent turbines, even the 140 meter high.

GES is proud of having its own Health and Safety high standards, innovation, and excellence. GES has been pioneer working during night time.


Las Majas 6A W.F.
Location: Zaragoza (Spain)
Power: 50 MW



GES has been responsible for the engineering and construction works of the wind farm, where it has been in charge of the complete BOP, both the civil works, with more than 14 kilometres of roads and the 13 foundations and platforms for the wind turbines, as well as the 30 kV underground medium voltage network with more than 23 kilometres of trenches and for which more than 140 kilometres of cable have been used. In addition, the installation of the 13 wind turbines of 3.8 MW and 4 MW that make part of the wind farm has been carried out by GES.

Fenicias W.F.
Location: Nuevo León (México)
Power: 168 MW



The Fenicias wind farm is composed of 42 wind turbines of 4.2 MW, with a tower height of 107 meters and a rotor height of 150 meters. It is located approximately 70 km from the city of Reynosa, where GES has an extensive experience, having built more than 800 MW in the area.

GES has carried out the detailed engineering, all the necessary studies (topographical, hydrological and geotechnical), the civil BOP including the medium voltage network as well as the installation of the turbines.

One of the biggest challenges of the project has been the short project execution timing, which makes a perfect coordination of the works essential to execute the construction milestones on time.

Cluster Alenza
Location: Zaragoza (Spain)
Power: 114 MW



The cluster Alenza is composed of three wind farms: Las Majas 6B (49.4 MW), Las Majas 6C (49,4 MW) and Las Majas 6D (15.2 MW). GES has been responsible for civil and electrical works, as well as the installation of the wind turbines.

Cluster Valdejaon
Location: Zaragoza (Spain)
Power: 231 MW



The project has been divided into two phases: Valdejalón, which includes the El Cabezo (49MW) and Portillo II Phase I (45.6MW) and Phase II (38MW) wind farms, and Valdejalón Oeste, composed of Virgen de Rodanas I (49.4MW) and Virgen de Rodanas II (49.4MW).

GES has been in charge of the complete BOP (Balance of Plant), both the civil works, with more than 60 kilometres of roads and the 61 foundations and platforms for the 85-meter wind turbines; and the electrical works, which include the underground medium voltage network with more than 55 kilometres of trenches and the 132 kV evacuation line of almost 50 kilometres, connecting the two new substations with an already existing interconnection substation.

In addition, GES, as integral supplier, has carried out the installation of 54 turbines of this cluster, with a total installed capacity of 205 MW, as well as the crane management.

Coahuila W.F.
Cliente: EDPRS
Coahulia (México)
Potencia: 199 MW
Plazo de ejecución: January 2016 – January 2017


One of the most advanced wind farms in the world


This is the first wind farm in the Coahuila state in Mexico. The project has obtained all the environmental permits for the construction and operation of the wind farm. With the construction of this wind farm, Coahuila contributes to the development of the renewable energies in Mexico, to fulfill the international agreements for the mitigation and adjustment of the climate change.

Is was a huge project with a very tight time schedule, almost a year.The area is near the municipalities of General Cepeda and Ramos Arizpe in Coahuila. There was no wind farm constructed in the area until now. This was the first project EDPR constructed in Mexico. The utility trusted GES for this strategic project.

The execution was speeded up, thanks to the previous engineering work, which led to several foundation optimizations and the customization of the geotechnical study, opting to construct the different kinds of foundation. Simultaneous work at different areas of the wind farm to get things done faster. Resources coordination was key for a time optimation. An intermediate logistic center was needed to get the material faster for each of the areas. Successful management of the CFE (Mexican electric entity) for the coordination of the power outage and the construction. The project could be executed in a positive environment with the community and unions. GES cooperated with EDPR to develop the safety conditions.

Renaico & Los Buenos Aires W.F.
Client: Chile
112 MW
Execution schedule:
November 2015 – November 2016


Cooperating with the local community


Both wind farms were placed in Mapuche territory, native Araucanians. Accesses to the wind farms were complicated. There was a flooding area in Los Buenos Aires, that made the foundations works very hard. Expediting procedures of the customer and some deadlines in the equipment deliveries made the schedule compliance difficult. Three new subcontractors have been hired to work at the substation. More experienced companies were overflow, due to the high demand of the market. Crane movements between platforms needed to be done with partial or total crane dismantling.

GES worked together with the community. Sand and gravel were bought at the local quarry and a Mapuche women cooperative was created for the services at the dining room. It was necessary to build two bridges to access the site. Water was pumped 24 hours a day to make the foundation works possible at the flooding area. Equipment deadlines have been renegotiated with suppliers and air transport was used to shorten deadlines. A very strength coordination was necessary to work with substructure to ensure the quality of the work. Road survey was continuously done, always trying to reduce the number of hours for the crane movements.

Successfully completion of the wind farm without accidents and with satisfactory quality standards.

Talinay W.F.
Client: Vestas
Ovalle (Chile)
Wind turbine:  15 V100 2MW T80 + 30 V90 2MW T80
Power: 90 MW
Execution time: June 2012 – Dicember 2012


A record project

Talinay is the first Wind Farm that GES has built in Chile. Construction of 25km of access roads required for the site built in various terrain and ground conditions. The project goal for construction and commisioniong was under tight deadlines for completion. The main milestone was to have all the turbines ready for commissioning before the 31st December 2012.

A comprehensive programme was established to ensure each turbine line with the required production of each phase and the necessary resources to complete all tasks within the required timeframe. We installed a Ready mix Concrete plant on-site for the supply on all turbine foundations, within the wind farm, which resulted in greater flexibility and control. A detailed logistical survey was completed prior to project commencement (to decide between sea or air transport) assisting the procurement and lead in times of required materials in accordance with programme requirements resulting in avoidance of potential delays. Some of the tasks were overlapped such as the concrete paving and the Medium Voltage grid to complete the project within the timeframe. BOP was accomplished within the contractual scope and GES successfully assembled and installed the 45 turbines on time. The project was completed in a record time of 6 months and with no accidents.

1.     Información legal

1.1.  En cumplimiento del artículo 10 de la Ley 34/2002, de 11 de julio, de servicios de la sociedad de la información y de comercio electrónico (LSSICE) presentamos la siguiente información:


Dirección: Parque Tecnológico Bizkaia Edificio 407-48170 Zamudio– Vizcaya (España).

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